Operation Red Line
Photo Gallery
Celebrating the historic, 1963 119 mile laser
communications experiment!
May 3rd and 4th,
2013 marked the 50th anniversary of this
historic experiment!
There are two other articles about the 50th anniversary of
Operation Red Line :
For more information about optical
communications in general, don't forget to visit other
pages at the Modulatedlight.org
web site!
In early 1963, less than a year after the first
visible-spectrum Helium-Neon lasers were introduced, members
of the EOS (Electro-Optical Systems) Amateur Radio Club
embarked on a project - Operation Red Line
- to break the record for long-distance laser light
They were successful in this, and here are pictures from
that 1963 endeavor - along with more-detailed descriptions
of some of the equipment and events.
Please note:
Where possible, people appearing in the photographs have
been identified, but due to the nature of the photograph and
passage of time, some persons are unknown or may be
mis-identified: If you can identify people in
any of these pictures and/or correct any of their captions,
please let me know at the email address in the link at the
bottom of this page. If you have additional archival
material about this event that you wish to contribute,
please feel to contact me at the same link.
Figure 1:
Three of the participants of "Operation Red Line"
From left to right:
Robert Legg - in charge of the receive site.
Duane Erway - in
charge of laser construction.
Jack Pattison - in
charge of the transmitter site.
Click on the image for a larger version.

Testing the
(In the EOS lab)
Figure 2:
Left: The Laser in the EOS (Electro-Optical
Systems) lab on the workbench. The laser tube
and associated components are shown mounted in a 6-foot long
steel channel that was 12 inches wide and 4 inches deep.
Center: With the lights in
the lab switched off, the Helium-Neon laser lit up the room
with its characteristic pale, red-orange glow. If one
looks closely at this picture dark bands may be seen on the
laser tube which were strips of foil attached to the outside
surface of the laser tube. Because the tube had no
internal electrodes it was necessary to use external
excitation and to do this, alternate strips were connected
together and the two sets of strips were fed with RF from a
balanced-line antenna tuner to provide a consistent source
of excitation along the entire length of the laser tube.
Right: The laser tube in the
lab, energized. In the background, toward the right,
can be seen the large box which is the Johnson Viking
transmitter, the source of the RF excitation (note the plate
current meter!) It produced about 100 watts of RF
energy at 28.62 MHz and was amplitude-modulated, which also
allowed the laser's output to be modulated. On the top
shelf at the far right, just to the left of the coffee cup,
may be seen a corded device that looks like a soldering
iron: This was a "zapper" - a probe that provided a
low-current, high-voltage source - a tool often used in the
manufacture and test of neon signs. To "strike" the
laser this device was brought near the tube to provide an
ionization potential - a principle very similar to that of a
trigger coil used in xenon flash units as the RF alone was
not enough to start the ionization of the gas. Once
"struck" the gas tube remained ionized as long as RF was
present - provided that the operators were careful to avoid
modulating the AM transmitter to zero percent!
Considering that about 250 watts of electrical power was
required by the transmitter to produce the 100 watts of RF
energy that were required to produce 125 microwatts of
usable laser light, the overall efficiency of the laser
transmitter was a whopping 0.00005%!
Click on any image for a larger version.



Figure 3:
Left: The "business end" of the
Laser. At each end of the laser tube was a confocal
mirror with a micrometer adjustment. Through precise
alignment, optical energy could be reflected between the two
confocal mirrors, resulting in oscillation and lasing at the
visible wavelength of 632.8 nanometers. Neither mirror
was completely silvered so a small portion of the light
reflected between the two mirrors during lasing
escaped: Because each mirror was identical, laser
light was emitted from the "rear" mirror as well, but that
light was not beamed toward the distant receiver.
Right: Another view of the laser in the
EOS lab. At the foreground end of the steel channel
can be seen what looks like an optical stop. This was,
in fact, a neutral-density filter with extremely high
attenuation used to simulate the path and atmospheric losses
that were expected over the 118 mile path. The silver
tube just behind the optical stop was a "10 power" telescope
that collimated the beam to roughly two inches in diameter.
Click on any image for a larger version.


Figure 4:
Left: A close-up view of rear of the
laser showing the confocal mount with the micrometer
adjustment. On the left side of the picture can be
seen the laser tube and one of the Brewster's windows used
to polarize the light. Polarized light was desired as
it was originally anticipated that a Kerr cell would be used
to modulate the beam, but the use of the AM transmitter for
RF excitation eliminated the need for such a fragile and
potentially dangerous device. The laser tube used for
this experiment was constructed at EOS by their own
glassblowing shop.
Right: The modulated light from the
laser was tested at night in the EOS building using mirrors
to direct light around corners and up and down halls.
In a room separate from the laser itself was set up the
telescope owned by Parks Squyres - an Alika Herring-Cave
12.5 inch Newtonian reflector. Its eyepiece assembly
having been fitted with a photomultiplier for receiving, the
entire transmit and receive system could be tested together
using the attenuation-simulating neutral-density filter.
In this picture,
left-to-right: Bob Legg (partial view in the
foreground), unknown (against door), Dick Stultz (blue shirt
with pencil above ear.) Left-to-right on the
floor: unknown (partial face with glasses), Duane
Erway (blue shirt) and Chuck Cunningham (partial face,
lower-right corner.)
Click on any image for a larger version.


The Receive Site
(In the Panamint Mountains)
Figure 5:
Left: The "staging area" in Ballarat for
the crew headed to the receive site. In 1963, Ballarat
was an "almost" ghost town, having been built up at the time
of a mining boom around the start of the 20th century.
As with many mining towns, it went bust only a few year
later, leaving the buildings to return to the desert over
time. The then-sole inhabitant of Ballarat at this
time was a man who called himself "Seldom-Seen Slim" (born Charles Ferge) -
a miner who stubbornly continued to work claims.
Several of the vehicles were left at Ballarat to be looked
over by Seldom-Seen Slim and equipment and personnel were
transferred to the vehicles deemed capable of traversing the
rough, steep mining roads.
Right: Another view of the staging area
at Ballarat. In the background, behind the vehicles,
can be seen some of the few remaining buildings in Ballarat
(see below.)
Click on any image for a larger version.


Figure 6:
Left: Some of the few remaining
structures in Ballarat. The trailer in the distance
was that of Seldom-Seen Slim. In the background can be
seen the rugged hills of the Panamint mountains.
Right: The remains of one of the
buildings in Ballarat - the bank.
Click on any image for a larger version.


Figure 7:
Left: One of several old mining
establishments along the road into the Panamint range.
In order to access the higher roads in the Panamint range,
permission had been obtained to cross a mining claim that
was still being worked by its holders - but that was not
the claim pictured!
Center: The paths ascending into
the Panamint mountains were steep and rugged mining
roads. Bob, in the Plymouth Valiant, was often ahead
owing to the "taller" gears of the car while Dave McGee, in
the low-geared Dodge Power Wagon and Ron Sharpless, carrying
fragile gear such as Parks' telescope in his GMC 4x4, took
it more slowly. Often, Bob would stop and wait, giving
the valiant Valiant time to cool off.
Right: An example of some of the steep
roads encountered by the expedition. Just over the
crest of the hill can be seen the roof of a vehicle and an
HF antenna - both belonging to the Valiant.
Click on any image for a larger version.



Figure 8:
Left: Eventually, the road became too
steep to be climbed by the Valiant - not because of loss of
traction, but simply because too little power could be
applied to the wheels to ascend the slope. The Valiant
was actually Bob's wife's car (that's her callsign on
the license plate) and to her dying day, he never told
her where, exactly, he'd taken her car on that day in May of
Right: With only about 500 feet of
road to go, Ron returned to the Valiant and towed it up the
steepest portion of the hill to the receive site.
Click on any image for a larger version.


Figure 9:
Left: The receive-site team arrived at
about 3:15 PM and this picture shows much of the crew.
Left-to-Right: Dick Stultz, Dave McGee, Bob
Legg, Parks Squyres, and Ron Sharpless, in the truck
with the telescope.
Right: Immediately after arriving, there
was a flurry of activity as radio links were established and
equipment was set up. Shown here is Parks working on a
6-meter "handie-talkie." (That's the battery pack
on the ground!)
Click on any image for a larger version.


Figure 10:
Left: To aid in the aiming of the laser
by the transmit site, a very high-power flashlamp was
brought along. This consisted of a helical Xenon
flashlamp mounted in front of the reflector inside a
modified WWII signaling lamp shown here with a protective
shield of tape.
Right: Another view of the flashlamp and
power supply. The power supply for the flash lamp (the
large rack on the ground) was very heavy, laden with
transformers, capacitors, and other weighty
components. In front of the tree, just to the right of
center in this picture may be seen the 2-meter antenna.
Click on any image for a larger version.


Figure 11:
Left: Several of the party working to
ready the telescope, a Herring-Cave 12.5 inch Newtonian
owned by Parks. (This telescope was made by the Cave
Optical Company (link) of Long Beach,
California in 1956. More info about Cave Optical may
be found here.
Center: Upon setting up the telescope,
the crew looked to see if they could identify various
landmarks - including the transmit site.
Left-to-Right: Dave McGee, Parks Squyres, and Ron
Right: At the receive site, several of
the team members looking toward the transmit site.
Click on any image for a larger version.



Figure 12:
Left: The telescope in the tent and the
flashlamp - ready for business.
Center: Looking through the telescope
(during the daytime) to spot the transmit site. In the
picture is Bob Legg (on the left) and Dick Stultz,
looking through the eyepiece. If you look carefully,
you can see the spiral Xenon flash lamp laying on its side
atop the piece of gear (the photomultiplier's high voltage
supply) near Dick's left hand.
Right: A view of the telescope from
inside the tent. The box strapped to the side of the
telescope near its front contains the photomultiplier tube
at the focus. On the bottom is a lever used to move a
mirror that, when out of the way, allowed normal viewing
through the eyepiece, or the mirror could be moved into the
optical path to direct light to the photomultiplier
tube. This box also allowed the placing of filters or
stops in the optical path. If you look carefully, you
can see the photomultiplier's socket and the wires that
disappear into the housing that connect to the dynode
resistors which were located in the smaller box atop the
enclosure with the eyepiece.
Click on any image for a larger version.



Figure 13:
Left: The front of the telescope, in the
tent. The spotting scope is at the bottom..
Right: Another view of the telescope
inside the tent. The thin enclosure with the
rack-mount ears was the power supply for the photomultiplier
tube. The flashlamp may be seen, laying on its side,
atop the power supply. The "table" on which the gear
is resting was a fiberglass instrument case that had been
used for transporting the fragile gear.
Click on any image for a larger version.


Figure 14:
Left: Looking toward the northwest from
the receive site
Right: Looking toward the southeast from
the receive site.
Click on any image for a larger version.


Figure 15:
Left: The Valiant wasn't towed all
of the way to the receive site as the camp itself and trucks
took up most of the flat area: It was left down the
road slightly, as can be seen in this northwest view.
Right: The location of the transmit site
was south-southwest of the receive site. In this view,
it would have been in the center, on the horizon.
Click on any image for a larger version.


Figure 16:
Left: Parks and Ron at the receive site.
Right: Dave McGee and Dick Stultz at the
Click on any image for a larger version.


Figure 17:
Left: Sunset, as seen from the receive
Right: Just after sunset, a campfire at
the receive site.
Click on any image for a larger version.


Figure 18:
Left: Despite its tremendous brightness,
the high-power Xenon flashlamp was not
visible at the transmit site. As a fallback measure, a
military rescue flare was set off to help the team at the
transmit site sight-in the receive site - a strategy that
turned out to be successful. It was decided that along
with the very short duration of the flash, perhaps the
spectra of the Xenon strobe favored blue, reducing its
visibility through a long atmospheric path. Bob happened to
have a clear 100 watt bulb and a clamp-on work light (shown
in the picture) and this was placed at the focus of the
lamp's mirror: This combination was
visible at the transmit site! If you look
carefully, you can see the upside-down reflection of the
photographer in the mirror.
Center: The team at the receive
site, signaling their location with the incandescent
lamp/reflector combination. (This picture was
probably taken on the second day.)
Right: The receive site in the morning.
Click on any image for a larger version.



The Transmit
(At Grassy Hollow, in the San Gabriel
Figure 19:
Left: The transmit site. The laser
assembly can be seen protruding from the right side of the
tent, next to the car. (Left to right:
Darell Wilcox, WA6THK and Bob Fuller, W6KHK)
Right: Jack, W6POP, on 2 meters.
Click on any image for a larger version.


Figure 20:
Left: A view of the transmit site from up
the hill.
Right: Adjustments of one of the laser's
mirrors being done by Darrel Wilcox, WA6THK. Note the
sheet of paper taped to the wall of the tent behind the
laser: Because both of the laser's mirrors were
partially-silvered, about the same amount of laser light was
emitted from each end. Even though the light shining
rearwards was "wasted" power in that it wasn't being sent to
the receive site, it was still useful to tell if the laser
was working properly and was used to tweak the mirrors for
maximum output - without needing to block the "front" beam.
While provisions were made to adjust the elevation of the
beam, similar means for adjustment of the azimuth had been
overlooked. Improvising, rough azimuth adjustments
were accomplished by tapping the end of the steel channel
using a large rock - and using a small rock for "fine"
adjustments. At 118 miles the width of the beam was
estimated by those at the receive site to be about 150 feet
across - a divergence of approximately 0.014 degrees or
0.25 milliradians - a fact that explains the
difficulty encountered in aiming the beam!
Click on any image for a larger version.


Figure 21:
Left: Chet Campbell (?) at the microphone
on the transmitter.
Right: A celebration of success, having
transmitted voice across a laser over a distance of more
than 118 miles! Click here to
hear some of the first night's transmissions. Darrel
Wilcox, the one in a blue jacket closest to the laser,
ground and coated the confocal mirrors in the EOS optical
Click on any image for a larger version.


Figure 22:
Left: Believed to be sunset, near Grassy
Hollow, the transmit site.
Right: Believed to be sunrise as seen
from the transmit site at Grassy Hollow.
Click on any image for a larger version.


Figure 23:
Left: A view toward the receive site,
from the transmit site.
Right: Another, slightly wider-field
view of the receive site, from the transmit site.
Click on any image for a larger version.


Recognition of Accomplishments
Figure 24:
After the event, each participant receive a certificate
recognizing the achievement. This certificate was
presented to Ron Sharpless, then WA6LMV, who was present at
the receive site.
Note that the certificate's graphical depiction of the laser
includes Brewster's windows at the ends of the tube as well
as the interleaving electrodes used for RF excitation.
Click on the image for a larger version.

Figure 25:
In the months following, several articles appeared in
various magazines, including this one from either June or
November, 1963 EDN.
Click on the image for a larger version.

Figure 26:
This is one of the articles that appeared in a local
paper about the event. Note, in particular, the last
paragraph of this story! This clip was from either
the Pasadena Star News or the San Gabriel Valley
Tribune: The date of publication is unknown.
Click on the image for a larger version.

Comments and further attributions pertaining to
the event itself, the people involved, and the images on
this page:
- The photographs on this page
came from a variety of sources. Where possible,
images as close to the original were used, but some
are from poor-quality reproductions. They were
all taken during early May, 1963 and in the weeks
prior to this.
- The color images with
"w7pks" in the filename and the scan of the EDN
article were kindly supplied by Parks Squyres, W7PKS,
one of the participants at the receive site. We
thank him for supplying these images as well as
additional details of the event.
- The other color images on
this page are scanned from slides: Although they
were properly stored, some of the slides suffered from
severe dye-fading and color shifting while other
slides were internegative copies of the originals,
resulting in high-contrast, slightly-soft
pictures. As much as is practical, color has
been restored to something resembling the original
scene, but in a few cases the dye fading was too
severe to restore colors of the original image without
causing the appearance of a considerable amount of
noise - this, despite having been digitized to 64-bit
RGBI images using a high-quality scanner operating in
"multi-pass" mode.
- Where possible, people
appearing in the photographs have been identified, but
due to the nature of the photograph and passage of
time some persons are unknown or may be
mis-identified: If you can identify people in
any of these pictures and/or correct any of their
captions, please let me know at the email address in
the link at the bottom of this page.
- Except as noted, most of the
images above were scanned from slides on February 2
and 3, 2008 with the assistance of Bob Legg during a
visit to his home in California, and the images in Figure
16 were scanned from photographic prints at this
same time. Additional information and
preliminary identification of persons in the
photographs was also provided by Bob.
- Thanks to Ron Sharpless, ex
WA6LMV (now N7ERC) for supplying an electronic copy of
his certificate of achievement as well as additional
detail of the event.
- The newspaper article in Figure
26 was kindly provided by Sharon, Jack
Pattison's daughter.
- We note with regret
that Jack, W6POP, passed away on April 17, 2009.
- It's worth noting that the
callsign W6POP is now held by Jack's daughter,
Julie, while Sharon, Jack's other daughter, holds
her mother's callsign, K6DPX.
I would like to thank Bob Legg for his invaluable assistance
in providing specific details of this event as well as
access to most of the pictures.
I would also like to thank Dave McGee and those others that
assisted Bob in his gathering of materials and researching
of data, as well as Parks Squyres and Ron Sharpless for some
additional information.
Of course, I wish to thank all those - named and unnamed -
who were involved with this project those many years ago who
had the motivation, ambition, and foresight to undertake a
project that was, at the time, at the leading edge of
Comments, corrections, or questions? Send an email.
In February of 2008, Chris
(VK3AML) and Clint (KA7OEI) visited Bob and completed a
two-way optical contact across Yucca Valley - read
about that contact here.
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Operation Redline page
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This page and contents
copyright 2008-2014 by Clint Turner, KA7OEI. and
relevant parties. Last update: 20140730
beam, modulated light, optical communications,
through-the-air optical communications, FSO
communications, Free-Space Optical communications,
LED communications, laser communications, LED,
laser, light-emitting diode, lens, fresnel,
fresnel lens, photodiode, photomultiplier, PMT,
phototransistor, laser tube, laser diode, high
power LED, luxeon, cree, phlatlight, lumileds,
modulator, detector