receiver has been tested in the field. For an article about the
expedition during which it was used, see this blog entry:
Prior to delving into the content on this page, it is
recommended that you take a look at the
following web pages about optical receivers:
The above pages provide reference material, rationale and
background for the designs described on this page.
Using LEDs as APDs?
As it turns out, many types of LEDs appear to exhibit
gain effects akin to those of an avalanche photo diode
when reverse-biased - an effect that has been observed
in the 25-300 volt area with the voltage, spectral
response, and overall sensitivity/gain depending on the
LED's construction and material. It is possible to
adapt some of the circuits on this page to be used with
an LED for experimentation of this gain mechanism.
Not surprisingly, the degree to which this effect occurs
and at what voltage tends to vary wildly from device to
device as this is not a mode in which LEDs were intended
to operate! The stability and long-term viability
of operating an LED this way is another factor that
should be considered.
While the results do vary, some LEDs have been noted to
offer reasonable performance as gain-enhanced detectors
when operated in this mode making it practical to have
at least moderate performance as a detector - a
particular attraction if one wants to build an optical
transceiver that uses just one diode for both receive
and transmit.
While an interesting phenomenon, tests thusfar seem to
indicate that, at least for baseband (audio) use, the
ultimate sensitivity of a typical LED operated in this
mode is worse than that of a
well-designed optical detector using standard PIN
photodiodes. Having said this, this avalanche
effect can be used to good effect to make an optical
transceiver that uses the LED for both transmitting and
detection and yield a single, compact package with
reasonable performance. I've not seen "ultimate
sensitivity" comparisons with PIN photodiode-based
receivers and avalanche LED receivers for subcarrier
(ultrasonic and up) operation.
The circuits described on this page can form the basis
of an optical receiver utilizing the avalanche
effects. If higher bandwidth is desired (with an
acceptance of poorer weak-signal sensitivity) then a
typical transimpedance amplifier circuit may be employed
with either a "real" APD or a reverse-biased LED.
An article describing
the use of the avalanche gain effect exhibited by LEDs
may be found at the bottom of this page in the article
"Optical Receiver
Operation With High Internal Gain of GaP and
GaAsP/GaP Light-emitting diodes" linked at
the bottom of this page.
Why use an APD?
Photo Diode (APD) is, as its name implies, a diode that
electrically responds to light that impinges on its active
surface using the
effect, converting varying amounts of light to
correspondingly varying electrical current. "Normal"
photodiodes also do this, but have no "gain" in doing so - that
is, it takes the action of more than a single photon to cause
the movement of a single electron. As one might imagine,
at very low light level - where there are relatively few photons
- the currents produced by a standard photodiode can be very
small indeed! APDs have intrinsic to them the ability to
effectively amplify the signal due to the fact that one "event"
can loose a barrage
(or "avalanche") of electrons, the number
being related to the gain of the APD itself which is also
related to the voltage applied to the APD.
The tiny currents produced at very low light levels have to
compete with currents
(noise) from other sources such as the
thermal noise from the circuits attached to it, noise
contribution by components in that circuitry and other noise
sources related to the diode and transistors themselves.
As one can imagine, at these very low light levels these other
noise sources could easily dilute or drown out the desired
The APD helps combat the problem of these noise sources by
having its own internal amplification mechanism meaning that, on
average, a single photon can cause the movement of many
electrons and by having this additional amplification, the
signal coming out of the APD can be high enough to overcome much
of the noise of the following components and amplifier
stages. As with any circuit, the APD
does contribute some of its
own noise - particularly when it is run "hotter"
(e.g. higher
voltage and gain) - and this excess gain can, in fact, reduce
overall sensitivity when the device's own noise starts to drown
out the desired signal. Because of this intrinsic
amplification APDs are often used in very high-speed optical
detectors such as those used in fiber optic receivers by
allowing (comparatively) insensitive, fast circuits to be used
for amplification.
One of the difficulties associated with the receiver design has
to do with the fact that in order to be used with inexpensive
lenses, the active area of the photodiode needs to be
fairly large - on the order of 1mm diameter or larger - in order
to accommodate the
imperfect optics of these
molded lenses: Much smaller than this, efficiency is lost
as the "blur circle" from the lens would be larger than the
active area and some of the light from the distant source would
be lost. While it is possible that a conventional glass or
plastic "secondary" lens could be employed to further-reduce the
effective size of the blur circle, the added complexity and need
for precision starts to push the construction of such an optical
system outside the realm of the amateur experimenter!
With any photodiode comes device capacitance and taking the
BPW34 - a somewhat large-ish photodiode, when reverse-biased
with 10 volts its intrinsic capacitance is on the order of 20
pF. This may not sound like much at audio frequencies but
when one considers that the operating impedance may be on the
order of 10 Megohms, this correlates with a -3dB rolloff of
around 800 Hz - and this doesn't take into account the
capacitance of the attached amplifier or stray circuit
capacitance! It is, at least in part, this capacitance
that further attenuates the weak, higher-frequency AC currents
emerging from the photodiode.
Using an APD in a low-bandwidth optical receiver
For our application, we don't need the high speed for which an
APD may be capable, but rather its innate amplification
capability. In the "
speech bandwidth receiver" noted in the link above,
the ultimate limit of the sensitivity at mid speech frequencies
(200-2500 Hz) was not as much an attribute of the photodiode
itself, but due to the "noise floor" of the following amplifier
stages and because of practical considerations and the laws of
physics, the sensitivity could not be significantly improved
without drastic measures such as cooling - something that would
greatly complicate the design and implementation.
With the intrinsic amplification of an APD we can boost the
photon-induced signal to a level that may be sufficiently far
above the noise of the amplifying circuit to allow even weaker
signals to be detected and to do this, we need a source of bias
voltage to drive the multiplication effect within the APD
itself. At very low voltages the APD acts just as a
"normal" PIN photodiode would, but with increasing voltage an
impinging photon will be likely to loose an ever greater number
of electronics, effectively providing gain. At
still-higher bias voltage the gain continues to go up, but the
noise of the device increases
than the gain and there is a point at which one starts to lose
actual sensitivity - even though the gain is still increasing!
Figure 1:
Schematic of the APD high voltage bias supply.
Bottom: The
as-built power supply in the enclosure.
Click on an image for a larger version


 |

Before turning on the APD receiver it is always a good idea to
first turn the voltage down to minimum, mostly to avoid being
blasted by noise. As noted above, the LED is not only
useful as a power indicator, but because it is also modulated
with the 6.5 kHz switching tone from the voltage converter it
may be used as a convenient optical test signal for this and
other optical receivers. As noted above, with little or no
bias voltage, the performance of the APD - operating as just an
ordinary photodiode - is comparable to any other photodiode.
For narrowband speech operation, it has been determined that
fairly low bias
(around 45 volts) is appropriate for the best,
low-signal performance under dark conditions and in this voltage
range, the amplification factor, "M", of the APD is quite
modest (a signal voltage in the range of 10-30). In this
range there is enough amplification provided by the APD itself
to overcome the noise floor of Q201, the JFET, and an
improvement of 6-10dB is observed when compared with a standard
photodiode receiver.
At higher voltages
(>45 volts) the gain continues to
increase, but the noise generated by the APD itself increases
even faster! As the voltage continues to go up the
detected signal continues to increase in amplitude, but a weak
one may soon overtaken by APD's own noise and may be lost altogether!
Different APDs have different voltage/gain
curves, but in general, the best S/N for low-frequency
(audio range) operation occurs in the range where "M", the
amplification factor, is in the range of 10 to 30,
regardless of the actual bias voltage.
As the bias voltage is increased, the usable bandwidth of the
receiver also increases, both owing to continued reduction in
the APD's device capacitance, but also due to the APD's
intrinsic gain boosting the higher-frequency components
noise!) above the noise floor of the amplifier circuitry as well
as increasing "gate-source diode" currents of the JFET causing
its apparent impedance to drop and increasingly quash the
effects of JFET gate and APD capacitance.. As you have
probably already guessed, there is a tradeoff between bandwidth
and sensitivity here! As with the V3 receiver, very high
levels of light (ambient or from the distant optical
transmitter) also affect the frequency response owing to the
fact that the APD's photoconduction and the JFET gate current
will shunt the capacitance and raise the "knee" frequency of the
R/C-caused lowpass filtering.
Continued increases in the bias voltage turn what was a weak
background hiss into a loud roar as the APD's internal noise
generation becomes dominant. For the APDs that I used,
their maximum gain occurs just below their maximum voltage
rating which, for these devices, is around 135 volts. As
noted previously, the last several volts yield very rapid and
dramatic increases in both gain and device noise, making
adjustments of the bias voltage control rather tricky!
When decreasing the voltage rapidly the receiver may momentarily
go dead - particularly under very low light conditions.
What is happening is that with a decreasing bias voltage, the
charge on the Q201's gate goes negative, turning it off.
Once the bias voltage stops changing, the minute leakage
currents across the APD gradually bleed off the capacitance of
the APD and FET, turning the JFET back on and restoring
operation - a process that can take several seconds. This
particular phenomenon is normal, expected, and there is really
nothing that can be done about it that wouldn't degrade the
receiver's operation!
Final comments and in-the-field observations:
It should be stated once again that the goal was to produce
a highly-sensitive radiometric optical detector that was
optimized for speech range
(up to about 3 kHz) frequency
response. Additionally, being self-funded hobbyists, there
was the additional goal that such a detector be built - as much
as possible - using inexpensive, readily available,
off-the-shelf components and construction techniques that were
well with the capabilities of the advanced electronic
hobbyist: With the designs outlined above, we believe that
we have largely achieved that goal.
If, on the other hand, the goal is to achieve optimal
weak-signal detection capabilities at very low (sub-speech)
frequencies or higher bandwidths
(above speech, including the
use of high-speed data, video, or multiple carriers) then
careful consideration is warranted when deciding whether or not
the methods outlined elsewhere on this page are entirely
At the time of original design the use of an APD offered an
apparent 6-10dB improvement in sensitivity at baseband
frequencies was noted on the "photon range"
(an indoor, darkened
room where signal levels from an LED driven at low current can
be used to analyze receiver performance) when compared with a
typical, similar-sized PIN photodiode. When an A/B
comparison was done in the field on the "dark" end of a 150+ km
optical path, this same degree of improvement was also noted -
although variations in signal levels owing to atmospheric
conditions, etc. tend to make precise numbers more difficult to
nail down. During these same field tests it was observed
that, in fact, best overall sensitivity was noted with the APD
bias set in the 45 volt range as had been noted on the photon
One question that is yet to be answered about the performance of
the APD optical receiver is that of usable bandwidth. With
the PIN Photodiode receiver, the primary factory limiting
sensitivity at higher frequencies
(e.g. >2 kHz and up) was
that of the capacitance of the photodiode itself. To a
degree, a smaller-area photodiode could be used but much smaller
than 1 mm
2 makes both mechanical alignment (e.g.
focus and paraxial) more critical and too much smaller than this
one starts to approach the limit imposed by the size of the
"blur circle" of the Fresnel lens.
(For a discussion
on "blur circle" size for typical Fresnel lenses, see the page
Lens Comparison
at this web site.
Because of its intrinsic self-amplification, an APD should be
able to provide even better higher-frequency performance than a
similarly-sized PIN photodiode as the self-amplification will
overcome the noise floor of the amplifier itself to a degree,
plus the higher reverse voltage will also do more to
further-reduce the device's capacitance. As noted,
however, an "A/B" comparison of similar-sized APD and PIN
devices has not been carried out at ultrasonic and higher
Related pages:
- Fresnel Lens
Comparison - On this page one may find a discussion
and comparison of the optical qualities of various molded,
plastic Fresnel lenses. In particular, note the size
of the "blur circle" of such a lens when it is used for
receiving a distant signal with respect to the size of the
detector's active area.
- The K3PGP
- A Low Noise PIN Diode Laser Receiver - Part 1
and Part 2
Note that some of these pages may not render
properly on some browsers.
- F1AVY's
pages - Yves describes many aspects of
detection (and methods of using lasers to generate
signals.) Please note: The
hosting web site of Yves' pages has changed and most
of the pages at the new site are in French - click
here for a Google translation of the main
page into English.
- Photodiode
Amplifiers - Changing Light to Electricity
(archived in 2006) - From National
Semiconductor, an online seminar about various aspects
of using photodiodes and how to amplify their
output. This page links not only to some .PDFs of
slides and transcripts of the seminar, but it also has
an online video of the original presentation.
Related to this topic is National Semiconductor's
application note AN-1244
(from the Texas Instruments site) which also
contains information about this same topic.
- Hamamatsu
Photonics has, on its website, a number of
papers about the "what and how" of many types of optical
components. For more info, look at:
- The Technical
Notes page. This page describes the
general theory behind the operation of many types of
optical devices, such as photodiodes, photomultiplier
tubes, and many more devices.
- The Application
Notes page. This page has a number
of articles describing how optical devices are used in
the real world.
- The Hamamatsu Document Libraray
- This links to a search for documents on various topics, but it does
not seem to have a "browseable" list of titles with descriptions that I could
to the KA7OEI Optical communications Index page.
If you have questions or comments concerning the
contents of this page, feel free to contact me using the
information at
this URL.
FSO communications, Free-Space Optical
communications, LED communications, laser
communications, LED, laser, light-emitting diode,
lens, fresnel, fresnel lens, photodiode,
photomultiplier, PMT, phototransistor, laser tube,
laser diode, high power LED, luxeon, cree,
phlatlight, lumileds, modulator, detector
This page and contents
copyright 2007-2016. Last update: 20160520